Cinema and theatre seat cleaning.

Cinema and theatre seat cleaning

Are you in need of cinema and theatre seat cleaning? A clean seat is vital for the returning customers to a cinema or theatre this year.

We are available for any cinema or theatre seat cleaning and ready for returning customers whether a hen up or a deep clean.

Give your commercial upholstery the brand new look for a fraction of the cost. Cleaning Shouldn’t be Overlooked.

Your upholstered furniture can be hiding many things. Forget coin treasure and corn chips…we’re talking about those dirty, icky things that can’t been seen by the human eye.  Let’s take a moment to deep dive into those couches.  This information can be relevant for businesses that are re-opening their doors amidst the continued pandemic.  In this post we’ll explain why it’s a vital aspect of maintaining a clean environment.  If your place of business has upholstered couches and chairs located in cinema, theatre and common areas such as lobbies and waiting areas, then this information should be a helpful place to start.

Bacteria and viruses

Many textured fabrics such as cotton, wool, linen, and polyester consist of tiny fibers.  Bacteria, viruses and germs cling to these materials.  Bacteria thrives in warm, moist environments and can spread on furniture. It feeds off everyday occurrences such as food spills and fecal matter tracked in from the bottom of shoes and pets.

The reality is that upholstery, just like carpets, can sometimes be dirtier than a toilet seat (spoiler alert: more icky things ahead).  This is why it’s vital to keep upholstery clean and dry. Professional upholstery cleaning uses minimal moisture and dries quickly. It’s a good idea to get heavily used furniture cleaned at least once a year.


A variety of allergens can be found in upholstery, such as pet hair, dander, and pollen.  This can present problems for people with asthma or weakened immune systems.  Upholstery cleaning via steam cleaning helps eliminate these contaminates.  The flushing and extracting at high temperatures, paired with cleaning agents that stop microbial growth will get your furniture looking and smelling good again.

Computer chair cushions should also receive periodic cleaning.Grease, Oils, and Other Particles

What’s that smell? Always an awkward question! Our hair, skin, and sweat can all leave traces of oils and grease on upholstery.  Over time, the buildup of grease and oils attract dirt and bacteria like a magnet. Pair this with heat and high humidity and you’ll have yourself a disconcerting mystery smell in no time! Upholstered furniture are like sponges. They can absorb everything.  Your skin is porous as well.  Every time you sit down and pull out that laptop to check emails you’re potentially absorbing particles. You can also breathe them in, such as from a couch that’s saturated in cigarette smoke. Or you can pick them up and transport them to other areas of the office.


Beverage spills happen. Every office holiday party sees at least one incident.  Gary, Larry, and Sherry from accounting are all pointing fingers.  Make sure upholstered furniture is thoroughly dried out as quickly as possible.  Professional upholstery cleaning can also aid in this process by removing stains and applying microban if necessary. Mold spores love moisture. If left untreated the spores can continue to feed off furniture materials such as the exterior covering and the interior stuffing.  Since soft upholstery fibers easily absorb moisture they can become a breeding ground for mold.  

Removing mold from upholstery can be very difficult due to the nature of the porous materials.  Microscopic mold spores love those tiny pores.  In the right (or wrong!) conditions this can pose a substantial problem.  When mold spores have deeply penetrated upholstered furniture it will sometimes have to be discarded and replaced.  And since exposure to mold is known to cause a variety of respiratory issues and other illnesses, this is something to take seriously.